We will study a direct method for solving linear systems: the LU decomposition. Given a matrix A, the aim is to build a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix which has the following property: diagonal elements of L are unity and A=LU.

Let A be n×n matrix .LU factorization is a procedure for decomposing A into a product of a lower triangular matrix L(diagonal elements of L are unity) and an upper triangular matrix Usuch as A=LU with




Solution of linear system

For the resolution of linear system : Ax=b, the system becomes


We solve the system (1) to find the vector y, then the system (2) to find the vector x. The resolution is facilitated by the triangular shape of the matrices.

Ly=b{y1=b1/l11yi=1lii(bij=1i1lijyj)i=2,3,,n. Ux=y{xn=yn/unnxi=1uii(yij=i+1nuijxj)i=n1,n2,,1.


  • if an LU factorization exists, then it is unique.
  • An invertible matrix A admits an LU factorization if and only if all its principal minors are non-zero (principal minor of order k is the determiant of the matrix (A)1i,jk ).
  • If A is only invertible, then A can be written A=PLU, where P is a permutation matrix.

LU Decomposition algorithm

We suppose that A admits an LU factorization, the LU Decomposition algorithm is:

k=1,,n1{lik=0i=1,,k1lkk=1lik=aik(k)akk(k)i=k+1,,naij(k+1)=aij(k)i=1,,kj=1,,naij(k+1)=0i=k+1,,nj=1,,kaij(k+1)=aij(k)likakj(k)i=k+1,,nj=k+1,,n lin=0i=1,,n1lnn=1U=(aij(n))1i,jnL=(lij)1i,jn

Calculating Matrix Determinant

The LU decomposition also makes it possible to calculate the determinant of A, which is equal to the product of the diagonal elements of the matrix U if A admits an LU factorization since
