bra-ket notation notation, is used to denote quantum states. How to write bra-ket/braket notation in Latex with braket package: braket , bra and ket.

Write default Latex bra-ket notation

To write to write bra-ket/braket notation or symbol, we must use bracket package:





which gives:

\[\braket{\alpha|\beta}\] \[\braket{\alpha||\beta}\] \[\braket{\alpha|T|\beta}\]

Write default Latex bra notation

To write to write bra notation or symbol, we must use bracket package:



$$\bra \psi{(t)}$$

$$\bra {\gamma{(t)}}$$


which gives:

\[\bra{\alpha}\] \[\bra \psi{(t)}\] \[\bra {\gamma{(t)}}\]

Write default ket notation

To write to write ket notation or symbol, we must use bracket package:



$$\ket \psi{(t)}$$

$$\ket {\gamma{(t)}}$$


which gives:

\[\ket{\Psi}\] \[\ket \psi{(t)}\] \[\ket {\gamma{(t)}}\]

Example: bra ket notation for Schrödinger’s Equation


Schrodinger's equation governs the time evolution of quantum states. It says that the time dependence of a state $\ket{\psi}$ is given by

$$ \hat H \ket{\psi} = i\hbar \frac{\partial{}}{\partial t} \ket{\psi} $$

where $\hat H$ is the Hamiltonian of the system.


Schrodinger’s equation governs the time evolution of quantum states. It says that the time dependence of a state $\ket{\psi}$ is given by

\[\hat H \ket{\psi} = i\hbar \frac{\partial{}}{\partial t} \ket{\psi}\]

where $\hat H$ is the Hamiltonian of the system.