How to write multiplication symbol, how to write Latex symbol multiply x : \times

How to write Latex symbol multiply: \times

Multiplication symbol in Latex is the command: \times

$x \times y$

which gives:

$x \times y$


Here are few examples:

$A \times B$

$A \times B$

If A and B are two set such:
$A=\{a_1\}$ and $B=\{b_1,b_2\}$
$A \times B=\{(a_1,b_1);(a_1,b_2)\}.$

If A and B are two set such: $A={a_1}$ and $B={b_1,b_2}$ then $A \times B={(a_1,b_1);(a_1,b_2)}.$